On this page you will find information about the YouTube channel and my saved bike route maps on RidewithGPS.
YouTube channel handle is @Summerof100Beaches and the URL is https://www.youtube.com/@SummerOf100Beaches.
Finding the saved ride routes is easy but requires a couple of steps. First, got to Ride With GPS. You’ll need to create an account and you can get the free “Starter Plan”. Think of RidewithGPS like it being Yelp for bike rides. Wherever you go you can find good rides that others have shared. You can start with those and customize them to your liking.
Assuming you are using a web browser to find my rides for an area you need to login and click the “Find” menu at the top. That will reveal this dialog on the left panel. Configure the settings as you need, put in the area you went to search around, and enter my name for Keywords.